On behalf of On The Pulse, we are incredibly proud to be celebrating our first anniversary as a company!
These past 12-months have gone by so quickly. Since setting out as a small independent start-up, it’s quite hard to believe the enormity and diversity of activities and engagements we’ve been involved with, both here in the UK and internationally; all geared towards creating greater expectations for people living with haemophilia and their families.
Anniversary Video Feature
To celebrate, we reached out to our growing network of friends, project partners and colleagues to give their take on our milestone and involvement with us. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to drive engagement and awareness around haemophilia, and deliver services for our amazing clients to ensure best outcomes for the community.
Please check out our exclusive anniversary feature in full below.
Our huge thanks extends to those that couldn’t feature but have given so much of their time and support in making our consultancy possible. You know who you are!
In order of appearance:
- Ed Moss – Founder, Bridging the Gap;
- Patrick James Lynch – CEO, Co-Founder, Believe Limited;
- Brian O’Mahony
– Chief Executive, Irish Haemophilia Society and President, European Haemophilia Consortium;
- Laurie Kelley
– President, LA Kelley Communications, Inc., and Founder, President, Save One Life;
- Zoe Schofield – Touchstone Archeology and Legal Support;
- Simon Stones – Patient Consultant and Doctoral Researcher;
- Madz Smethurst – Copywriter and Marketing Consultant;
- Tom Gudgeon – Creative and Operations Director, Two Cubed Creative;
- Rebecca Stewart – Co-Founder, Rare Revolution Magazine;
- Daniel Stone – Photographer and Social Media Consultant;
- Jack Harris – Design and Branding Consultant;
- Rahul Phulore
– Computer Engineer and Community Member.
Thank you to Two Cubed Creative for their support with producing this feature.